Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I love listening to Hopsin. A very good song by him is "Nocturnal Rainbows", he spits real. A lot of people say he's the black version of Eminem, but I think he is original. Although Eminem influences a lot of his music, his lyrics relate to his life not someone else’s. I can’t say I can relate to any of his music because I can’t, but to hear the struggles made into art is amazing.

The way he talks about the government baffles me. It’s awesome how he doesn’t care to get in trouble when it comes to that. In one of his songs he mentions how we are programmed to be us, which is true. We can’t express how we truly feel without getting in trouble because ‘they’ say we did wrong. He questions things and that’s how it should be.


  1. I've never heard of him, but he sounds like an interesting artist. I will have to check him out some time.

  2. I haven't heard of him before, either. Is he a fairly new artist? Are his lyrics angry or sad or frustrated?
