Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How do you feel...

Music is very healthy! If you're having a terrible day most people turn to music, whether it's spa or  rap. I personally enjoy instrumental music when I'm down, but they must have a violin and piano at some point. I feel like it can pursuade my mood at any time. I would be lost without music almost literally! I hear it everywhere, even if it's just a pencil tapping or people walking.

I tune into anything that makes a rhythm. A jet will stop me dead in my tracks. When I hear a jet or a train there is something about it that I embrace. I hear something different than everyone else around me. Even the vibrations of sounds move me.


  1. i can relate to this. music is my everything and i have no idea what i would do without it! i love to make a beat out of the smallest things.

  2. That's very true. I listen to warm-up music before every soccer game and it does help to focus me and get me in the game mood, but the music has to be upbeat!

  3. wow i kinda knew that but this is very interesting!!!

  4. I agree that music can set the mood for anything, and it can change your mood. I also hear music almost everywhere.

  5. That's really interesting that you hear music is so many different kinds of things! I feel the same way about stories; I see a new story in the smallest occurrence.
