Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I love listening to Hopsin. A very good song by him is "Nocturnal Rainbows", he spits real. A lot of people say he's the black version of Eminem, but I think he is original. Although Eminem influences a lot of his music, his lyrics relate to his life not someone else’s. I can’t say I can relate to any of his music because I can’t, but to hear the struggles made into art is amazing.

The way he talks about the government baffles me. It’s awesome how he doesn’t care to get in trouble when it comes to that. In one of his songs he mentions how we are programmed to be us, which is true. We can’t express how we truly feel without getting in trouble because ‘they’ say we did wrong. He questions things and that’s how it should be.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How do you feel...

Music is very healthy! If you're having a terrible day most people turn to music, whether it's spa or  rap. I personally enjoy instrumental music when I'm down, but they must have a violin and piano at some point. I feel like it can pursuade my mood at any time. I would be lost without music almost literally! I hear it everywhere, even if it's just a pencil tapping or people walking.

I tune into anything that makes a rhythm. A jet will stop me dead in my tracks. When I hear a jet or a train there is something about it that I embrace. I hear something different than everyone else around me. Even the vibrations of sounds move me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Tech N9ne is by far my favorite rapper! I've been to many concerts including Krizz Kaliko :p His music makes the bass bump and it gets you pumped. His lyrics can be scary haha, but I never take his songs too literal. His life intrigues me. I'm honestly glad he hasn't gone mainstream, and he doesnt plan to either. He has talent, that you cant lie. I plan to meet him at one of his next concerts, I bet he has awesome topics to talk about. Look him up if you haven't heard of him.

If you don't like rap I wouldn't listen to Tech N9ne. I honestly like all kinds of music, I listen to music everyday and not just singing to the radio haha. :)